Any error that you would have seen executing in the console (CMD), will be instead output to that log file between 'Started!' and 'Stopped!' That will allow you to see what is happening that is preventing it from running. Then schedule the batch file instead of the vbs. Write a batch file like this: echo 'Started!' > c:\foldergoeshere\log.txtĬscript.exe 'C:\.\script.vbs' > c:\foldergoeshere\log.txtĮcho 'Stopped!' > c:\foldergoeshere\log.txt
For example: cscript.exe YourScript.vbs would be in your. cmd/.bat file that calls for your VBScript. That blog also explains a lot of rules/tips when using Task Scheduler. See Help! My Scheduled Task does not run… After hours of research, one of Blake Morrison (from Microsoft)'s blogs came up it mentioned that