To give you an idea of the number of players trying to connect to the game servers, the devs have mentioned that on Tuesday (October 12th 2021) they hit a concurrent player high with ‘a few hundreds of thousands of players in one region alone.’ The blog posted by the developers does give you an insight into the inner workings of server handling work and pressure that the devs are going through but in case you are really frustrated, you can check out how to get a refund in Diablo 2 Resurrected. The global database also has a back-up in case the main fails. Most of your in-game actions are performed against this regional database because it’s faster, and your character is “locked” there to maintain the individual character record integrity. So to alleviate load and latency on our global database, each region–NA, EU, and Asia–has individual databases that also store your character’s information and progress, and your region’s database will periodically write to the global one. As you can imagine, that’s a big task for one database, and wouldn’t cope on its own. First, there’s our global database, which exists as the single source of truth for all your character information and progress.